自动转换开关 (ATS)
DTSC-200A | |
自动转换开关控制器 | |
自动启动/停止 | |
自动/手动操作 | |
远程启动 | |
开放过渡转移 | |
延迟过渡 | |
封闭过渡转移 | |
电源-发电机应用 | |
市电-发电机、发电机-发电机、市电-市电应用 | |
真有效值电压感应 | |
真有效值电流和功率感应 | |
所有转换类型的同相监控(同步检查) | |
可自由配置的离散 I/O | |
可调定时器 | |
来源选择 | |
转移/返回禁止 | |
扩展并行 | |
卸载和恢复 | |
具有完全可调间隔的发动机锻炼器(负载/空载)程序 | |
内部断路器联锁利用离散输入进行断路器位置检测 | |
PC配置和显示器配置 | |
密码保护 | |
事件日志 | |
可编程逻辑功能消除了继电器逻辑或 PLC | |
CANopen / Modbus RTU | |
产品规格 |
Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Controller - DTSC-200A
The DTSC-200A (Digital Transfer Switch Control) controls the transfer of electrical power from one source to another for hospitals, data centers, office buildings, manufacturing plants and similar where lights out is not an option. The extremely versatile DTSC-200A ATS controller is easily configured for a wide range of automatic transfer switch applications including Main-Gen, Gen-Gen or Main-Main systems using circuit breakers or latch-ing contactors. Source transfer can be performed as open, delayed, or closed transition with in-phase monitor-ing (synch check) that can be enabled for all transition types to ensure safe transfer. The closed transition over-lap time can be limited to less than 100ms for momentary, make-before-break transfers, or extended indefinitely for paralleling via discrete input. “Custom” features like transfer inhibit, source selection, load shed/restore, ele-vator pre-signal and engine test programs come standard.

configuration via Woodward’s standard Software Toolkit.

USB端口配置界面。 PC/笔记本电脑侧通过电流隔离与伍德沃德单元侧分离。
Only needed for DTSC-50 and the old DTSC-200. The DTSC-200A works via a market standard USB-Mini connection.