
브레이커 컨트롤러

AMF 및 ATS 제어

측정 및 보호

동기 장치

Synchronizer device
Synchronizers for 2/3-phase AC Gen-Sets - SPM-D2
Woodward understands the time-intensive nature of Power Generation projects. Ensuring the lon-gevity of components is one way we can make our customers successful. Woodward has supplied and supported the well-established SPM-D line of synchronizers for 20+ years. With the state of the art Drop-In replacement successor, SPM-D2 the life of this synchronizer line is now extended. All of the SPM-D2 synchronizers are password protected and are configurable either through HMI as before or through ToolKit configuration tool with USB connectivity.
The SPM-D2-10 series are microprocessor-based synchronizers designed for use on two or three phase AC generators equipped with Woodward or other compatible speed controls and automatic voltage regulators. The SPM-D2-10 synchronizers provide automatic frequency, phase and voltage matching using either analog- or discrete output bias signals. These synchronizers are applied to a wide range of prime movers and generators, as its control signals may be set to fit several types of gensets – from fast reacting diesel engines to soft reacting gas turbines.
Woodward의 표준 소프트웨어 툴킷을 통한 Pramertization.

USB 미니 유형 B에서 유형 A로
PC/노트북에 연결하기 위한 시장 표준 USB Mini-Type B-Type A 케이블.
이것은 Woodward에서 구할 수 없는 표준 전자 품목입니다.

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DIN 레일 장착 어댑터
부품 번호: 8923-1023

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전면 패널 장착은 IP42와 함께 제공됩니다. IP54로 늘리려면 개스킷이 필요합니다.
부품 번호: 8923-1037